Having more than one credit card or line of credit will be burdensome once the debt starts accumulating. In fact, it can lead to confusion and errors that those in debt need not make if they are to recover from a hole they may of dug in their finances. Debt consolidation is a simple solution to such a confusing scenario.
The move to consolidate your debts is the right choice- but don't let it be an after-thought. Moving to consolidate your debts should mean that you are committed to pay debts, and avoid any temptations along the way. It's easy to say you want to pay off your debts, but harder to do if you break your budget and go to celebrate every weekend or eat out frequently at restaurants.
It won't be easy paying your mortgage without first knowing what your commitments are each month in terms of expenses. Make a journal of every expense you have so that you can see where your money is going. Even though larger expenses might appear like the culprit, sometimes the smaller expenses can add up.
Every source of expense should have some form of priority to you. Having car insurance should be on the top of the list, while eating out at a restaurant would be towards the bottom. Outlining your priorities allows you to quickly cut out expenses you don't think you will need, and instead either save the money or route it to debts you have accumulated.
Where banks make their money is with borrowers who only have intentions of spending the minimum amount of money each month as possible on their loans. It feels better knowing you have more money for other things in life, but you will also tack on years to your debt. Minimum payments are profitable for lenders, and the bane of borrowers. Always try to pay as much as you can or save a pool of money in case you can't make payments in the future.
Refinancing is still available to you after you get a debt consolidation loan. Odds are there will be some restrictions in when you can refinance, but on average you should be able to do so after a couple years go by. Some extra terms may apply that could disqualify you for a refinance option, or even bar the ability to make use of a refinancing mortgage from another lender.
Closing Comments
Loans last decades in term life. As a result, there is bound to be at least one instance in which you could make an error or not be able to pay your bills. Be proactive about the situation by budgeting your finances and modularizing your payments, expenses, and savings. - 31377
The move to consolidate your debts is the right choice- but don't let it be an after-thought. Moving to consolidate your debts should mean that you are committed to pay debts, and avoid any temptations along the way. It's easy to say you want to pay off your debts, but harder to do if you break your budget and go to celebrate every weekend or eat out frequently at restaurants.
It won't be easy paying your mortgage without first knowing what your commitments are each month in terms of expenses. Make a journal of every expense you have so that you can see where your money is going. Even though larger expenses might appear like the culprit, sometimes the smaller expenses can add up.
Every source of expense should have some form of priority to you. Having car insurance should be on the top of the list, while eating out at a restaurant would be towards the bottom. Outlining your priorities allows you to quickly cut out expenses you don't think you will need, and instead either save the money or route it to debts you have accumulated.
Where banks make their money is with borrowers who only have intentions of spending the minimum amount of money each month as possible on their loans. It feels better knowing you have more money for other things in life, but you will also tack on years to your debt. Minimum payments are profitable for lenders, and the bane of borrowers. Always try to pay as much as you can or save a pool of money in case you can't make payments in the future.
Refinancing is still available to you after you get a debt consolidation loan. Odds are there will be some restrictions in when you can refinance, but on average you should be able to do so after a couple years go by. Some extra terms may apply that could disqualify you for a refinance option, or even bar the ability to make use of a refinancing mortgage from another lender.
Closing Comments
Loans last decades in term life. As a result, there is bound to be at least one instance in which you could make an error or not be able to pay your bills. Be proactive about the situation by budgeting your finances and modularizing your payments, expenses, and savings. - 31377