Several choices are offered to individuals who cannot make their loan payments. Deferments, payment relief or forbearances might be available. If you, as so many others are, experiencing financial hardships, contact your lender to find out what student loan deferment you qualify for.
Contact your lender to find out if your situation qualifies for a deferment. If you are suffering a hardship like unemployment or if you have started school, you might qualify. Keep in mind that depending on the type of loans you have, you might be responsible for the interest that accrues during the deferment period.
Deferments for those who is active duty or who are called to active duty is offered with lenders. The deferment can also be extended to cover the time of demobilization.
Those who are members of the National Guard or other reservist programs, regardless of whether current or retired, who is called back to active duty while attending school at least part time might be eligible for a deferment for up to- months after their service has ended or if you return back to school.
Having your loan deferred for up to 3 years because of an economic hardship is a possibility. Federal regulations allow for this type of deferment for a Direct, Perkins or FFEL Loan. To obtain more information contact your lender.
An allowance offered by your lender that lowers your payment amount or postpones them is known as forbearance. For some reason, if you can't get a deferment, you may be able to get forbearance. Regardless of the type of loan you have, you will be responsible for making the interest payments on your loans. You may be eligible to have the forbearance granted for a total of 3 years.
If your loan is a Plus Loan, you will be held to the same standards as other loans. Interest will continue to grow and compound during the forbearance or deferment time. You don't have to pay it at this time but it would be in your best interest to pay it.
You can choose to change repayment plans if you feel that another one would work better for you. With the FFEL you are allowed to change your payment plans one time within a 12 month time period. With Direct Loans you can change plans several times as long as the new plans repayment period is longer than the one you are on at the present time. - 31377
Contact your lender to find out if your situation qualifies for a deferment. If you are suffering a hardship like unemployment or if you have started school, you might qualify. Keep in mind that depending on the type of loans you have, you might be responsible for the interest that accrues during the deferment period.
Deferments for those who is active duty or who are called to active duty is offered with lenders. The deferment can also be extended to cover the time of demobilization.
Those who are members of the National Guard or other reservist programs, regardless of whether current or retired, who is called back to active duty while attending school at least part time might be eligible for a deferment for up to- months after their service has ended or if you return back to school.
Having your loan deferred for up to 3 years because of an economic hardship is a possibility. Federal regulations allow for this type of deferment for a Direct, Perkins or FFEL Loan. To obtain more information contact your lender.
An allowance offered by your lender that lowers your payment amount or postpones them is known as forbearance. For some reason, if you can't get a deferment, you may be able to get forbearance. Regardless of the type of loan you have, you will be responsible for making the interest payments on your loans. You may be eligible to have the forbearance granted for a total of 3 years.
If your loan is a Plus Loan, you will be held to the same standards as other loans. Interest will continue to grow and compound during the forbearance or deferment time. You don't have to pay it at this time but it would be in your best interest to pay it.
You can choose to change repayment plans if you feel that another one would work better for you. With the FFEL you are allowed to change your payment plans one time within a 12 month time period. With Direct Loans you can change plans several times as long as the new plans repayment period is longer than the one you are on at the present time. - 31377
About the Author:
Looking for ways to pay off student loan? Private student loans consolidation may be the perfect solution for you.